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AliReza Travel & tours - 09/08/2003

Dear Sir/Madam,

I have received your broucher about CRETE but I would like to have all your collections of Hotels & resorts around the world , & how to start dealing with your esteemed company.

Best Regards
Mahmoud Sukkar
General Manager
AliReza Travel & tours
Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia

To the kind attention of Mr Jimmy Sofios- Managing Director - 03/08/2003

Dear Jimmy,

Tony Williams passed on your contacts to me along with a long story about your charismatic character.

We are of course interested to include Al Maha in " The Finest Hotels of the World" and this short email is to initiate contact in order to find out more about the way forward.

I look forward to your feedback

Kind regards

Mary Bishara
Sales & Marketing Manager
Al Maha Desert Resort
An Emirates Group Hotel
A member of the Leading Small Hotels of the World

I. Tzerachoglou - Promoting Hotels in Greece - 28/07/2003

Dear Mr. Sofios,
we thank you very much for your support and excellent services you offer in the Turist Market.
I would also like to thank you personally for promoting and supporting the Porto Carras Grand Resort.
We would like to inform you that up to now we do not have any Special Package running for 2003, for the Travel Industry.
Also regarding information about new facilities, etc, I have already sent all of our new broshure, cd etc..to your office.

With my best regards,
I. Tzerachoglou

Dear Eva - 17/07/2003

Hello, your name was given to me by a recent client of yours Nacy Spallone who was recently in your city for her honeymoon. She highly recommends you. :-)

Brad Scarborough

Natalia - 16/07/2003
Dear Maria,

It is already 2 weeks since we returned from our holidays in Poros in
The New Aegli, and I just wanted to let you know we had a fantastic
, and that everything was ok. The New Aegli was a lovely hotel,
with a beautiful terrace where we had breakfast everyday, fantastic
location, and a very friendly staff who treated us very friendly and
very well.

We definitely recommend both Poros and The New Aegli to anyone
interested in visiting the Greek Islands.

I hope this feedback is of help and take the opportunity to thank you
again for your assistance.

Kind regards,

Dear Ms. Panagopoulou: - 07/07/2003
My wife and I are planning a vacation in Greece in late September/early October, and I was wondering if you or one of your co-workers would be able to help us make arrangements. You and your company were recommended to me by a business associate, Chris Godfrey, who you assisted recently when he took a vacation in Greece with his son. Chris was very impressed by your work.

Please let me know if you or one of your colleagues would be able to help us.

Thank you,
Joseph Hoefferle, Esq.
Palmer & Dodge LLP

Hi Maria - 02/07/2003

This booking of the hotel was from me. I just wanted you to be aware of what happened. Your professionalism was fantastic for all my guest.

Kathy Yen - 01/07/2003
Thank you very much! We are very excited about our trip!!


Αγαπητή κα Γιαλητάκη,

Το περασμένο Σαββατοκύριακο 27-29/06/03 κάναμε με επιτυχία το σεμινάριο που
είχαμε προγραμματίσει στο ξενοδοχείο AKS-PORTO HELI.

Θα θέλαμε να σας ενημερώσουμε ότι η όλη παρουσία και εξυπηρέτησις του
Management και του Προσωπικού του ξενοδοχείου ήταν άψογη.

Ο κ. Φωκάς προσωπικά ενδιαφέρθηκε γιά την σωστή εξυπηρέτηση των στελεχών
μας και επανειλλημένως μας ετόνισε ότι είναι στη διάθεσή μας γιά ο,τιδήποτε
θελήσουμε. Μας διευκόλυνε δε στην αποχώρησή μας και μας διέθεσε (λόγω
υπερβολικής ζέστης) το minibus του ξενοδοχείου γιά να μεταφέρει στο Dolphin
Terminal όσους ταξίδευαν για Πειραιά με δελφίνι.

Τα γεύματα, το δείπνο και τα coffee breaks ήταν έτοιμα και πλήρη, στην
ακριβή ώρα που τα είχαμε ζητήσει.

Τα δωμάτια ήταν απολύτως εντάξει.

Γενικά μείναμε απόλυτα ικανοποιημένοι από τη διαμονή μας στο ανωτέρω
ξενοδοχείο, πράγμα το οποίο μας κάνει να το προτιμήσουμε και πάλι τον
προσεχή Σεπτέμβριο που θα επαναλάβουμε το ανωτέρω σεμινάριο.

Τέλος, θα θέλαμε ιδιαιτέρως να ευχαριστήσουμε την Εταιρεία σας, τον κ.
Σοφίο και εσάς προσωπικά για το ενδιαφέρον και τη βοήθεια που μας παρείχατε
γιά μία καλή διαμονή

Με εκτίμηση
Γιά τη
Αριστείδης Τζάνες

Package Accommodation in Greece - 27/06/2003
we are in crete and having a great time! you did a wonderful job with our hotels. will be happy to be a reference for you!

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